A Ray of Hope – A Documentary of MITI, a project of world Memon Organization

by on 3 November 2021
The month of October marked the culmination of ‘A Ray of Hope’ project at MITI. A prestigious TVET (Technical and Vocational Education and Training) sector support program funded by the European Union and the Governments of Germany and Norway.
MITI organised a sprawling job fair and skill competition to mark the occasion, allowing graduating youngsters to showcase their talents to more than 50 renowned companies who were eager to hire young, skilled and driven professionals.
The documentary encapsulates the origins of MITI (Memon Industrial and Technical Institute), a dream envisioned by the legendary Haji Abdul Razzak Yaqoob (Founder President of WMO) which was brought to fruition by the dedication, passion and hardwork of another force of nature – the unstoppable H M Shehzad (Chairman of MITI and Regional Vice President of WMO Pakistan Chapter).
The documentary is also testament to the journey that more than a hundred thousand youngsters have embarked on, by enrolling in MITI. The institution has created job opportunities for the youth who have cultivated special skill sets through the wide variety of technical, IT and multimedia courses taught at the institute.
MITI will continue to build a strong foundation for the youth in its endeavor to create a brighter future for a better Pakistan, a Naya Pakistan.