Langars light up across India under the WMO Food Bank program to deliver meals to all

by on 20 October 2021

As the Langars light up across India under the WMO Food Bank program to deliver meals to all, let us share with you the concept of these community kitchens which originated in ancient India and continue to feed millions across the World.

Vast quantities of food are cooked on a low flame for a prolonged period of time in large utensils called deghs. A sizeable number of deghs sitting on pyres of burning wood are a common sight at most Langars.

Our langars don’t discriminate. The meals are served to all, irrespective of religion, community, race, colour and social status. These WMO community kitchens remain the potent symbol of equality wherein nobody is returned on an empty stomach and the only eligibility criteria is hunger.

And as we have so articulately underlined in the past weeks that our noble objective is to End World Hunger, the World Memon Organisation intends to serve one and all at our humble yet remarkable Langars.