Appointment of Advisor to WMO – Africa Chapter

by on 25 January 2021

It is an honour and privilege to welcome Mr Satar Dada on board as Advisor to WMO – Africa Chapter. We seek your experience, expertise & support to guide and mentor our newly elected team of Office Bearers from Africa Chapter.

On behalf of me and my team, our heartfelt gratitude to you for accepting this vital position. You are one of the tallest pillars of the Africa Chapter. Your leadership and generosity remain unmatched.

One of the key objectives of the newly elected team of office bearers under my Presidency is to develop stronger communication and enhance coordination of efforts with all chapters for improved and effective administration and project delivery.

The role of Advisor is a significant appointment for the WMO. The role includes providing chapter specific advice, guidance and solutions to ensure the above objectives are met.

The WMO OB’s greatly value the knowledge, experience and dedication you bring to the team.

The accomplishment of the WMO goal to be the main representative and welfare body serving the global memon community will be enhanced by your involvement and efforts inshallah.

May Allah SWT reward you in abundance for your endeavors towards this noble, humanitarian cause.
