The WMO Pakistan Flood Relief campaign has reached Jhudo village

by on 6 September 2022

Jhudo village in the Sindh province, another state which has been battered by the rains.

The families and children gather at a public college to receive the humanitarian aid. The armed forces play their role in the distribution drive. The WMO Pakistan Chapter Regional Management Committee is physically present in full force on ground zero.

The drive from Balochistan to Sindh threw up many sights that betray the aftermath of the horrific catastrophe. Large swaths of land remain submerged, temporarily shelters line the entire length of the highway in which hoards of people are cramped like tin sardines.

The stench of death, cries of hunger and outbreak of disease vilify the air. The armed forces raise their hands in unision to ask the Almighty to ease the suffering and shower His mercy. As Pakistan remains precariously perched on a wing and a prayer.