Each one of us can make a change. Together we can make a difference

by on 7 April 2022

Togetherness is the need of the hour! Reckoning the current situation caused by the economic situation, the vulnerable community and daily wage workers are suffering the most as their livelihood and hunger has reached an unpredictable situation with no certainty.

To extend its support in these difficult times, World Memon Organisation Middle East Chapter & South India Chapter has taken an initiative by providing *”Each one of us can make a change. Together we can make a difference”.* Togetherness is the need of the hour! Reckoning the current situation caused by the economic situation, the vulnerable community and daily wage workers are suffering the most as their livelihood and hunger has reached an unpredictable situation with no certainty.

To extend its support in these difficult times, World Memon Organisation Middle East Chapter & South India Chapter has taken an initiative by providing *Ration Bags of essentials food including wheat, rice, dal, cooking oil, sugar and tea to support the families in need in South India.

WMO has always tried its best to come forward and help the needy.

Mr. Haroon Mohamed Bha Regional Gen Secretary ME Chapter & Abdul Azeez Bha, Regional President SIC are the driving force to accomplish the task.*Ration Bags of essentials food including wheat, rice, dal, cooking oil, sugar and tea to support the families in need in South India.

WMO has always tried its best to come forward and help the needy.

Mr. Haroon Mohamed Bha Regional Gen Secretary ME Chapter & Abdul Azeez Bha, Regional President SIC are the driving force to accomplish the task.