An Ode to the Hand that Rocks the Cradle

by on 31 December 2019

“For women, the blessed month of Ramadan is the busiest time of the year.

As head of the household, you have to attend to the daily chores of managing your home and then make time to attend to the special needs of your family but more importantly, taking out invaluable time for your ibaadath.

Although extremely hard pressed for time, you balance your Duniya & Akirat and put in as much charitable work as possible in this month of infinite hope and mercy.

As a businesswoman you juggle your packed schedule between the emails, long distance calls, WhatsApp messages, long hours at work and the extensive humanitarian endeavours of Ramadan.

From serving Iftar meals to hundreds of Rozgars on a daily basis to buying Eid gifts, clothes & goodies for orphans and deprived children, to distributing food packs to the underprivileged so that they don’t have to worry about getting food on their tables during the holy month.

Strength comes from Almighty Allah SWT and each day you are thankful to your creator for having blessed you with these opportunities to help those who need it most.

This is all possible, thanks to our mothers, daughters and sisters who are trying their level best and putting in every single ounce of energy to go that extra mile to reap the rewards of aakirah, for themselves and for their families.

Once the crescent moon is sighted, Eid celebrations conclude and the six fasts of Shawwal follow, it is only then that the ladies can finally pause for breath. As our dearest womenfolk relate and reminisce on how magical the month of Ramadan was and how they juggled all the exceptional charity work without neglecting their families. They express their eternal gratitude towards every member of the family who silently worked in the background and assisted in every which way they could as they understood the demanding tasks undertaken by their ladies.

A sense of pride and so much love was felt for the womenfolk by their families.

Knowing that an example was set in each household on the importance of doing your utmost for your less fortunate brothers and sisters in this most blessed of months and encouraging others to continue these humble endeavours through out the year.

An example was also set for the future generations to follow, as even the youngest members of the family, who whilst fasting were taken along for the humanitarian campaigns so that they too could empathize, understand and learn first hand that so much more still needs to be done.


We are blessed that these are our mothers, our daughters and our sisters We are blessed that as off springs we can witness these acts of kindness in our own homes and families. May our mothers stay blessed May they continue to be the silent contributors of the whispers of duas that Almighty Allah SWT bestows in each of our homes May the contributors of these blessings always stay in our midst so that we remain eternally blessed May each family continue to give utmost support to our ladies and may we always be thankful for such women in our lives.

May their tribe grow.

May they stand up and walk tall. And just like our mothers, may they never cease to amaze us.”

Mrs. Fazila A.K.Ismail